Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 9: Not much to report

Since the whole party stuff is finished, there hasn't been much excitement. Natalie's friend from boarding school is visiting with her two little girls, Elizabeth and Amelie. Elizabeth turned 4 yesterday and Amelie is two. They are both so sweet, but don't speak english. I've been doing my best to converse with them, but I usually just ask Theresa or Sophie to tell them something when I can't think of the right word.
I'm planning a trip to Salzberg next week from Sunday to Wednesday. I'll make sure to take a lot of pictures, and have adventures for you to laugh at. Things usually go wrong for me.
I managed to break my toe getting out of the bathtub the other day. The tubs here are unnaturally high, and I'm very clumsy. The two don't mix well. I also smashed my pinky finger in a drawer today and it's pretty swollen. I should probably stop hurting myself soon.
The weather has been pretty yucko lately. A lot of overcast days with thunderstroms throughout the day.
I'm finally able to move back into the estate house tomorrow. Morfar's sister is leaving tomorrow morning, so I won't have to walk back and forth between the two houses anymore.
We're going to one of Natalie's friend's castles on Friday. We'll go to another Renaissance Fair while we're there. It's a little village near Eching. It was the town that Natalie and her husband first lived when they got married.
Mormor and I are making cherry marmelade later today. I picked the last of the cherries yesterday. Most of them are rotten. Rotten cherries smell awful. I climbed up in the tree because there are fences are the tree to keep the horses out and with the ladder you can only reach so far. Mormor came along the path and kept telling me not to fall, don't fall, please please please don't fall. She didn't reylize that I was in fact a monkey in another life and have never fallen out of a tree before.
Hope all is well where ever you are reading this. Much love to you all!

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