Friday, July 24, 2009

Back 'home'

Well, we drove back from Ulm last night and we're back at Rennertshofen safe and sound. I forgot to write about this in my last post, so I'll say it now.
While in Ulm, Natalie's sister had a mechanical bull for this big party they had the day before we got there. All the kids rode on it, and LOVED it even though they were thrown within ten seconds of climbing on.
The kids asked if I wanted to try. I made myself a promise on the plane over here that I would try something new everyday to make sure I got as many cool experiences as I could. So, I climbed onto the 'bull' and rode it for probably 30 seconds before it threw me off. Granted, Katarina was doing it VERY slowly so I stayed on longer, but I definitely have a new found respect for the rodeo. It was HARD! I had to use every muscle in my body to keep myself on.
And another thing, two days ago we were all by the pool either swimming or resting or whatever. The sun was shining, everyone was happy, not a cloud in the sky... and it started raining. Let me say again, there were NO clouds in the sky. The rain was falling from where? We were all very confused. Right after we left the pool, the clouds tumbled in and it looked almost like night time. It started pouring rain. Thunder, lightening, the whole shebang. I was walking down the stairs, and on the wall across from the stairs were these huge windows looking out over the garden. I was looking through them when suddenly lightening struck RIGHT next to the glass and cracked the window. The thunder was ridiculously loud. It was the craziest thing.
Today was just a relaxing day. I laid out by the pool for an hour or two to try and fix the farmers tan I got in Salzburg. The sun wasn't cooperating though.
As an end note: I hate bugs. I'm itchy EVERYWHERE!

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